The Lavin Agency Speakers Bureau

A speakers bureau that represents the best original thinkers,
writers, and doers for speaking engagements.

Why Don’t We Know Our Own Country’s History? (2:15)

What Images Teach About Racial Justice (48:21)

Hank Willis Thomas Interview | Vision & Justice || Radcliffe Institute (33:41)

Navigating Partisan Division (25:54)

How Are We Going to Make It? (17:02)

The Subversive Potential of Digital Art (1:18:00)

We’re About to Enter a New Era of Competition (4:50)

The Business Case for Democracy (4:50)

Gain and Edge Over Your Competitors by Investing in Education (2:23)

Why Do We Care More for the Things We Make Ourselves? (3:11)

Rituals Can Help Consumers Connect Emotionally With Your Brand (2:43)

Do You Brush Your Teeth or Shower First? (2:41)

Why Mindset Is a Team Effort (3:36)

How Do You Start Building a Culture of Growth Mindset? (2:03)

How Microsoft Used Growth Mindset Cultures to Gain an Edge (2:35)

A Growth Mindset Is NOT Just About Effort (1:59)

Do You Want to Learn or Just Look Smart? (4:36)

Do You Have a Fixed or Growth Mindset? (Hint: You Have Both) (4:50)

Your Assumptions About Everyday Life Are Totally Wrong (2:15)

In The AI Future, How Do You Keep Your Company Safe? (4:48)

Why We Shouldn’t Make Human-Like AI (1:29)

Will AI Take Your Job? This Graph Might Tell You (2:54)

Women Still Do More Housework Than Men—And It’s Holding Us All Back (1:33)

The One Question That Helps High Performing Teams Problem-Solve (2:50)

The Two Things That Set High Performers Apart (3:40)

The Simple Strategy That Can Help Your Team Persevere (3:49)

Imagine Yourself at Your Best (5:57)

How One Woman’s Network Transformed Her Community (2:58)

“We Were Strangers Once Too”: Inciting Conversation with Data Art (3:34)

Talent Counts—But Effort Counts Twice (1:12)

How Jeff Bezos’s Mom Encouraged Grit, Growth, and Innovation (1:58)

Want to Measure Your Team’s Grit? Ask These Two Questions (3:11)

How Play Boosts Collaborative Problem Solving (1:38)

How to Keep Informed in an Age of Misinformation (1:44)

Should Your Company Be on TikTok? (2:12)

What’s the Actual Story About Generative AI? (2:34)

Why Is the Brick and Mortar Store Still Outperforming Ecommerce? (2:02)

Can AI Do Marketing as Well as Nike? (1:04)

You Get to Define Every Choice Your Customers Make (2:10)

One Psychological Trick With Names Can Help You Boost Donations (4:32)

What Marathon Runners Can Teach You About Setting Goals for Your Audience (3:40)

How Gamifying Your Product Can Help Customers to Buy In (2:09)

Why Your New Ideas Aren’t Getting Accepted (and How to Change That) (4:55)

The Most Important Question To Ask in Times of Change (1:51)

How AI Will “Break Things That Are Already Broken” (5:13)

Create Your Unchangeable Mission Statement (4:49)

Your Identity Is Never Set in Stone (1:15)

When You Read a Book, You Become Part of the Story (2:13)

The “Spectrum” of Anxiety, and How to Harness It (2:35)

It Is Our Duty to Future Generations to Have Hope (3:26)

How Our History Can Give the Younger Generation a Greater Sense of Agency (3:38)

To Tell the True Story of Our History, We Must Face the Difficult Parts Too (3:08)

Statues Aren’t Just Symbols. They Shape the Stories We Tell (1:59)

Why You Should Stop Using the Word “Talent” (2:17)

Use Your Most Important Life Goal to Develop a Growth Mindset (1:50)

How Your “Top Level Goal” Can Help You Get Grittier (6:27)

How One Woman’s Mutual Aid Network Transformed Her Community in 2020 (4:05)

How Masks Became a Symbol for Political Polarization (5:47)

We Need to Talk About 2020 If We Want to Heal (2:52)

For the Cyber Challenges of Tomorrow, We Need Everyone at the Table (3:56)

Cybersecurity Is a People Issue (2:20)

You Can Be Happy Without Changing Your Life (15:31)

Three secrets to achieve happiness (6:35)

What The Happiness Science Shows (5:44)

Invisible Influence (4:52)

The Word-of-Mouth (1:21)

Rick’s Rant: The Kids Are Still Alright (1:35)

Rick Mercer’s Final Rant: On Canada (1:29)

Make a Life, Not Just a Living (12:56)

Activating Your Best Self (13:42)

How We’re Reverse Engineering the Human Brain in the Lab (12:35)

Promoting a Growth Mindset Doesn’t Always Work. Here’s Why (2:30)

How One Leader’s Cultures of Growth Helped Promote Diversity Across His District (2:55)

Don’t Avoid Giving Critical Feedback. Learn How to Structure It Instead (1:18)

Cultures of Genius Are Bad for Everyone—Even the Geniuses (2:44)

2 Common Misconceptions About Cultures of Growth (1:27)

We Do Our Best Work Together. Mindset Is No Exception (1:33)

We Can Build a More Equitable AI Landscape (3:27)

AI Is a Democracy Problem. What Can We Do About It? (4:21)

The Real AI Crisis Is Not What You Think (3:11)

The Power of Ancestral Storytelling (2:52)

Why We Need to Shift the Narrative on Boyhood (2:46)

Now Is the Time to Invest in Transparent and Vulnerable Queer Representation (3:18)

Sharing Our Stories Opens the Door for Others (2:39)

Why Angela Davis Doesn’t Think of Herself as a Role Model (4:52)

Hope for a Better Future Isn’t Simply Received—It’s Forged (5:57)

In the Fight for Justice, Take Time to Care for Yourself—and for Others (5:21)

For Real Freedom, We Must Stand Together Across Lines of Race (4:27)

Support Your Kid’s Dreams—and See Them Flourish (1:27)

Being Truthful About Our Country’s History Is the Key to Moving Forward (3:38)

The 272 Is a Story of Both Hardship and Hope (2:37)

If We Don’t Tell These Stories, No One Will (1:26)

How Do You Bring History Alive? (1:43)

The American Story Belongs to All of Us (1:41)

Sometimes Failure Is the Best Thing That Could Happen (2:09)

Black Women Are Still Making History Today (2:27)

How Do You Keep Going in the Fight for Equality? (3:01)

How Somali Refugees Revived a Dying Maine Town (5:52)

The Most Important Things in Life Can’t Be Achieved Alone (2:06)

Why Can’t We Have Nice Things in America? (4:27)

What Will AI Do to Our Jobs? (2:05)

How AI Can Help You Manage Uncertainty (4:21)

You Can’t Afford to Be Second Best in AI (4:52)

Using AI as a Quick Fix? You’re Thinking Too Small (5:12)

AI Is Going to Consolidate Power Like We’ve Never Seen Before (5:36)

How Leaders Can Support and Retain Gen Z Employees in the Climate Crisis (3:12)

These Win-Win Solutions Can Help Us Boost Mental Health and Climate Action (4:36)

We Need to Develop a Growth Mindset to Fight for Our World (3:29)

What’s Behind the Backlash Against Uncomfortable History? (3:05)

How Can We Tell an Honest Story About Our History? (1:30)

Juneteenth Brings Our Quest for Equality to the Forefront (1:13)

How Do We Make the Real World More Appealing Than Our Phones? (3:33)

What If We Put All Our Best Ideas for Community Into One Building? (4:04)

A Successful Democracy Is Worth Our Collective Investment (4:06)

Take a Stand. We’re Worth Fighting For (1:42)

Can You Write a Book in 30 Days with AI? (1:50)

How AI Can Enhance Your Creativity (1:38)

Politics Is More Emotion Than Reason. Here’s How We Win (4:05)

Why We Need to Reclaim Patriotism (3:41)

We’re Wrong About How People Choose Their Politics (3:25)

The Problem With Being “Too Nice” at Work (17:44)

Should We Be Nostalgic for the Past? (2:23)

Can We Use the Past to Envision the Future? (1:53)

What Does It Mean to Be Asian American? (1:34)

The Power of Images to Counteract Racism (8:10)

How Images Can Contextualize History (4:14)

Can Art Measure Human Life? (3:22)

How Have the Arts Galvanized Social Movements? (5:23)

How Images Shape Our Understanding of Justice (16:50)

The Laws of Design | WIRED Smarter 2019

Worried About Entering the STEM Fields? Do It Anyway (1:08)

What the Hidden Figures Story Means for the Workplace Today (2:05)

You Can’t Have Self Compassion Without Mindfulness (1:48)

What Is Self Compassion? (1:18)

DEI Is Big. Focus on the 5 Feet Around You (2:30)

Be an Owner—Not a Renter—of Your Experience at Work (3:52)

Are You Inclusive or Not Inclusive? (This Is a Trick Question) (2:09)

Finding Peace in a Connected World (9:24)

“The Privileged Poor”

Happier Hour with Cassie Holmes

Universities and Their Role in Repair of Legacies of Slavery (9:53)

Ryan Estis Speaking Preview (8:38)

The World’s Best Storytelling Sales Speaker (3:50)

Balancing Music, Teaching, and Community Connectivity (2:24)

Street Symphony Project’s Future (1:51)

3 Ingredients for Critical Conversations (9:06)

Is Knowledge Really Power? (9:30)

Jennifer Gardy speaks at the Public Salon

Scared of Failure? “Do It Anyway” (3:35)

How Does a Line Cook Become the Founder of a Multi Million Dollar Apron Company? (4:23)

We’ve Been Telling the Wrong Story About Our Country (3:20)

We Must Confront Our History If We Want to Move Forward (1:54)

Every Place Is Political—Even Our Own Country (2:23)

What Will Future Generations Say About Us? (3:32)

We Have a Responsibility to Be Hopeful (1:35)

Why Hip Hop Matters in the American Story (2:47)

The In-Betweens: The Choice Asian Americans Need to Make Today (1:50)

How to Avoid Burning Out in the Fight for Justice (2:37)

Anxiety Is Not A Danger Signal—It’s a Sign of Hope (1:50)

What Does “Strength in Struggle” Mean? (4:24)

What Can We Do to Reduce Our Effect on the Climate? (8:23)

How Do Marginalized People Become American? “By Fighting for Other Americans” (5:13)

America Doesn’t Have a Homogenous National Identity. Is This a Weakness, or a Strength? (5:13)

How Language Shapes the Way We Think

Can You Trust Your Own Brain? A Neuroscientist Explains (6:21)

The “Explore, Then Exploit” Method for Getting Unstuck (4:24)

The Three Kinds of People You Need on Every Team (3:30)

Feeling Stuck? That’s When You Get Your Best Ideas (2:39)

Why Your Hybrid and Equity Goals Go Hand in Hand (2:29)

The New Workplace Shouldn’t Look Like the One We Left Behind (2:01)

The Future of Work Conversations You Need to Have with Your Whole Team (2:42)

How Can Women Embrace Ambition? (6:02)

Democracy Requires Spaces for Open Debate (1:51)

Marketing to Gen Z Means Telling Better Stories (1:58)

What Your Dyson Vacuum Cleaner Can Teach You About Retail Storytelling (2:29)

If Your Brand Is the Answer, What Is the Question? (4:13)

Un-Sabotage Yourself with Intrinsic Motivation

4 Reasons Why We’ll Keep Our Jobs in the AI Future (2:02)

How AI Is Moving from Broad to Narrow Use Cases (3:41)

Why Amazon Will Take the Lead in the AI Arms Race (1:34)

Becoming AI First Is a New Challenge—but You’ve Been Here Before (2:32)

Your Best AI Strategist Isn’t in Your Organization Yet (2:51)

Are Your Employees Engaged? AI Can Help You Find Out (3:14)

The Three Principles of Generative AI (5:09)

Why We Need to Change the Purpose of School (1:58)

None of Us Can Build a Better World Alone (1:58)

How Can We Maintain Our Humanity in the Age of AI? (2:14)

Creating Better Social Connections Starts With Borrowing a Drill (2:48)

Surveillance Capitalism or Democracy? The Death Match (21:30)

How Being Deeply Curious Can Strengthen Connections (4:21)

How to Be “Team Human” in the Digital Future (12:24)

Succeeding in High-Stakes Situations—No Matter the Field (3:53)

Make a New Status Quo (12:53)

Creating an Environment of Psychological Safety (3:56)

How Do We Run Inclusive Meetings? (4:23)

Getting Started with Inclusive Leadership (6:27)

Speaker Reel: Inspiring Boldly Inclusive Leaders (3:45)

MIT Media Lab: Danielle Wood

How Hybrid Work Set the Stage for the AI Empowered Workplace (3:49)

Will AI Destroy Us, or Save Us? (2:42)

Turn ChatGPT Into Your Personal Tutor (2:53)

Using Photography for Social Change

Keynote Address to Brandeis University’s Graduates

Why Do We Have a Mental Health Crisis in Higher Education? (3:36)

The Biggest Factors that Help College Students Thrive (2:31)

Why the Pursuit of Racial Justice Is “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back” (2:45)

The Most Valuable Tool in Our Search for Equality? Our Own Optimism (3:00)

Why Venting About Your Emotions Doesn’t Always Help (2:30)

We Can’t Run from Our History. But We Can Make Our Future Better (1:59)

Why More Sales Isn’t Always a Good Thing (2:47)

The “Know, Go, Grow” Formula for Data Storytelling (1:32)

How the Legacy of Slavery Is Still Playing Out Today (3:00)

This “Motivation Formula” Can Help You Achieve Your Goals (2:01)

Want to Be Successful? “Deliberate Practice,” Not IQ, Is the Key (3:34)

Why You Should Stop Using the Word “Talent” at Work (3:35)

Ready or Not, AI Is an Inflection Point (1:55)

2 Ways to Persuade Your Team to Invest in AI (1:50)

Can Art Amend History?

Is It Better for a Machine to Be Intelligent? Or Useful? (3:24)

Our Democracy Is “Not Nearly as Stable as We Think It Is” (1:40)

Want to Be Creative? Here’s What Not to Do (2:52)

Why not me? | TEDxWhistler (15:03)

Peter Mansbridge on Retiring, Rock Collections and Hardest Thing About Leaving CBC (23:06)

The Apron Artistry of Ellen Bennett

Your Right to Mental Privacy in the Age of Brain-Sensing Tech (12:37)

How AI Could Save (Not Destroy) Education (15:36)

Trust Your Team—Innovation Will Follow (3:20)

The case for having kids (13:00)

“The Ethnic Avengers”: Everyone Has a Superpower. What’s Yours?

The Wind Knows My Name: On Immigration of the Past and Present (51:38)

ChatGPT Is Changing How We Think About AI (2:39)

Maximizing the Good: In Conversation with the Godfather of AI (30:04)

The First Thing You Hear at an Organization Affects How Much You Succeed (2:42)

The Science of Belonging: How Do We Build Strong Organizational Cultures? (2:04)

How Your Mindset Affects Your Students’ Success (1:25:48)

We Need Diverse Climate Activists—Environmentalism Is for All of Us (3:10)

Our Greatest Tool for Solidarity and Change? Education (3:00)

What Desegregating a Public School Taught the Little Rock Nine (2:30)

From Insurance to Pizza, AI Will Revolutionize Every Industry (3:16)

Don’t Wait for Policy to Catch Up with AI. Forge Ahead Now (3:35)

Developing a Data Strategy: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself (2:25)

Keeping Cool Amid the Climate Crisis (25:52)

From the Cutting Edge of Tech to Your Business: David Rowan Speaker Reel (2:26)

Curiosity Can Be a Force for Transformation—If We Know How to Use It (19:47)

Curiosity Is Contagious: The Key to Powerful Leadership (1:28)

Feeling Anxious or Stuck? The “Muscle” of Curiosity Could Be Your Way Out (2:15)

Small Talk Is Necessary, but It Isn’t Enough: Shallow vs. Deep Curiosity (2:21)

David Robertson’s Innovation Highlights: From the LEGO Company to The GoPro

Why Your New Ideas Aren’t Getting Accepted (and How to Change That) (4:12)

The 4 Stages to Embracing Change—and Opportunity (1:48)

SXSW 2023: The End of the Billionaire Mindset (1:00:59)

Why You Need to Be a Leader in AI—Not a “Fast Follower” (3:34)

“Will AI Solve This Problem?” Is the Wrong Question to Ask (2:28)


AI Will Drop the Cost of Prediction—and Change Entire Industries (5:35)

Not Just Algorithms and Data: The “Complements” of AI (16:31)

The Disruptive Economics of Power and Prediction (21:46)

Strange Planet Official Trailer

Katy Hessel: The Story of Art without Men (59:31)

What a Confederate Soldier Cemetery Teaches Us about Political Polarization (6:34)

The First Step to Bringing People into a Journey of Social Justice (2:30)

Facing Our Complex History Isn’t a Threat—It’s an Opportunity (5:17)

The Catholic Church Profited from Slavery — ‘The 272’ Explains How (43:34)

The Harrowing Origin Story of the American Catholic Church (26:46)

The Saga of the 272 Enslaved People Sold by the Catholic Church (1:02:33)

How Slavery Informs What We Know About Ourselves as a Nation (3:44)

“Who Were These Families?” The Contemporary Legacy of Slavery in Our Institutions (2:00)

2 Career Tips for People Who Love Data (1:52)

The Big Idea: How to Leverage the Disruptive Power of AI (37:05)

Community Is Your Greatest Tool for Making Change (1:49)

A Better World for Our Most Vulnerable Is a Better World for All (1:49)

What Makes a Good Data Insight? (2:31)

How to Convince Your C Suite to Act on Your Data (3:16)

Why AI Will Change Every Aspect of Retail (3:53)

What Your Company Can Do to Prepare for the AI Revolution (2:04)

Human Creativity Is How You Gain an Edge in the Age of AI (2:25)

Bridging Divides with Scott Shigeoka

The Ongoing Legacy of Historically Black Colleges (14:48)

How Can Universities Make Amends for Their Role in Slavery? (9:54)

How Did America’s Colleges Become So Unequal? (3:39)

Racial Equality and the Future of Education (20:04)

Why Doctors Need to Understand and Combat Bias (1:29)

One Way to Decrease Bias in Education and Improve Student Success (3:18)

2 Things You Can Do Today to Eliminate Bias at Work (1:52)

How A Company Used Generative AI to Revolutionize Their Business (2:15)

Implement AI Now. Gain a Competitive Advantage. (1:23)

Why You Need to Change Your Mindset Around Data and AI for Greater Success (3:17)

How Domino’s Pizza Used AI to Revolutionize Their Customer Experience (1:16)

How Do We Maintain Human Values in an Age of Generative AI Art? (4:37)

‘I Know What You Think About Immigration’ (18:11)

Know What You’re Worth (1:44)

Public Salon: #MeToo – Moment or Movement? (8:57)

The First Step to Gaining an EDGE at Work (3:47)

The 2 Kinds of Questions that Determine Your Venture’s Success (6:07)

People May See Your Positive Traits as Negatives. Here’s How to Fix That. (5:21)

Clint Smith with Stephen Colbert: Poetry is the Act of Paying Attention (7:42)

Clint Smith on Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America (20:24)

How to Raise a Black Son in America (5:12)

How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America (1:03:45)

Diversity Is the Oxygen for Innovation—and Curiosity Is the Rocket Fuel (4:31)