
To stay relevant, you cannot ignore the new rules of technology, business, or innovation.

Founding Editor-in-Chief of WIRED UK | Bestselling author of Non-Bullshit Innovation | Advisor to and investor in 150+ tech startups

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How Tech Disruption Is Shaping the Post-Pandemic World (7:55)

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Non-Bullshit Innovation in a World of Constant Change (49:18)

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From the Cutting Edge of Tech to Your Business: David Rowan Speaker Reel (2:26)

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How Technology Is Changing Every Industry

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What Fast-Growth Startups Can Teach Us About Opportunity

Business leaders can and must take advantage of the cutting edge of technology, says David Rowan, WIRED UK’s founding editor. Learning from the disrupters will help us prepare for tomorrow. A prolific writer and speaker, Rowan is translating tech trends for the business world in real time—how quantum computing, artificial intelligence like ChatGPT, and more are changing businesses and consumers. He draws on his book Non-Bullshit Innovation, a #1 Amazon Business bestseller, to show how you can develop a culture of real innovation in a rapidly changing landscape. In fully customized keynotes, he reveals how technology is already changing your industry, and how to survive, adapt, and prosper.

David Rowan explains compellingly how emerging technologies will impact business — and how leaders should prepare now. As founding Editor-in-Chief of WIRED magazine’s UK edition, David came to know the founders of WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Google, Didi, Spotify, Xiaomi, Nest, Twitter and countless other ambitious startups from Tel Aviv to Shenzhen. He has since invested in more than 150 early-stage tech companies, including two that became billion-dollar “unicorns”, and is an adviser to venture-capital funds, the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, and numerous tech businesses.

David’s Amazon #1 business bestseller Non-Bullshit Innovation: 17 Proven Ways to Transform How You Work has been published in Japan, Korea, Russia, Ukraine and beyond. The book, a 20-country quest for bold corporate innovation in the face of technology-led disruption, sets out 17 proven strategies for future-proofing a successful business — helping leaders build resilience in an uncertain world.

David has been a technology columnist for The Times, GQ, Condé Nast Traveller and The Sunday Times. He has been asked to give more than 600 keynotes in recent years, and has received repeat requests to present for clients such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Google, KPMG, McKinsey, Chanel and Unilever. David has moderated events for the World Economic Forum, WIRED and the UK and French governments, and is increasingly in demand to host virtual conferences.

David deconstructs tech trends in real time, unpacking how major innovations like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, autonomous vehicles, and more, are changing businesses and consumers. He focuses on how technology-led innovation can build prosperity even in economic downturns and amid market crises. He delivers fascinating and knowledgeable presentations full of insight into the future of technology together with lively examples and engaging video clips which reveal that, in some cases, the future is already here. He’s typically asked to speak about how innovation and technology are likely to impact a particular sector (from manufacturing to motoring), and what incumbent companies can do to protect themselves. He customises every talk, and in recent months has addressed audiences in finance, fashion, utilities, television, insurance, shipping, travel, real estate and business software. He also speaks a lot about changing business models, and how companies can develop a culture of innovation.


You set the tone for the day perfectly, engaging the audience and steering the presenters through a very full agenda. The feedback from the day has been overwhelmingly positive, which is largely due to your dynamism, good humour and professionalism.

David Cameron, G8 Innovation Conference

The team was blown away, and they are a hard group to impress.


A HUUUUGE thank you as always for being the one we trust to make any conversation bright, enlightening, energetic, thoughtful and insightful — always so, so grateful.

Founders Forum NY

Thank you so much for an excellent session. You left the team in no doubt about the risks of disruptive factors and how they can impact any industry. Totally the right way to end the conference.

JP Morgan

Speech Topics

ChatGPT and Generative AI
Why This Is AI's "Netscape Moment"And What That Means for Your Business

Back in 1994, Marc Andreessen released a free web browser called Netscape Navigator that heralded the birth of the consumer internet. Netscape transformed what was an obscure academic and governmental hypertext network and opened the door to what became the multi-trillion-dollar internet economy. David Rowan, founding editor-in-chief of WIRED magazine’s UK edition, and author of the bestselling book Non-Bullshit Innovation, is convinced we’re at the Netscape moment in the Artificial Intelligence era: at the very beginning of a massive series of disruptive industry upheavals built on AI that will create vast new wealth — and punish any business that underestimates the speed and depth of the shift to the new AI economy.

Where do we go from here — and how should you prepare? David will explain how education is about to be personalised at scale — with each student having “Einstein” explain quantum physics at their own pace; how Hollywood is planning for a future where actors won’t even need to be present to star in a blockbuster; where the customer-service agent is an AI who understand your mood and can respond to your facial expression; how we’ll discover new drugs and new carbon-negative materials by simulating molecular interactions inside an all-powerful AI.

David will translate how AI is being applied today in top university labs and in the most ambitious startups, and help you understand what is about to happen in your industry. Because you can’t assume it will be business as normal.

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The New Rules of Business

In fast-paced, fully customized talks, David Rowan tackles the latest trends in technology, innovation, and business, and reveals how your company can get ahead. Drawing on his extensive research in the field—he has taken 120 flights in the past year to understand from the front line how everything from genomics to 3D printing are changing the way businesses and consumers will operate—Rowan’s clear-eyed, accessible talks guide audiences through the new rules of business. Topics include:

  • Ten technology megatrends you can’t ignore—and how they’ll transform manufacturing, hospitality, finance, insurance, entertainment, and travel industries
  • The Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence: why the rules of business just changed
  • Digital commerce and the future of retail
  • The new rules of product innovation, and how to create a culture of innovation
  • How to survive, prosper, and embrace transformation in a world of exponential technologies
  • What you can learn from the smartest people in Silicon Valley
  • How to disrupt your organization, and disruptive business models that can save media companies
  • What corporations need to understand about mobile opportunities
  • Trends affecting the television industry
  • What your business can learn from startup thinking
  • How digital transformation impacts the employer value proposition
  • How digital meets physical in the shopping center of tomorrow
  • The opportunities of 3D printing and the new “maker” culture
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