
We need to recognize the value of different perspectives in shaping our national identity.

Chief Correspondent for CBC News and Anchor of The National for 29 Years

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Peter Mansbridge on Retiring, Rock Collections and Hardest Thing About Leaving CBC (23:06)

Peter Mansbridge is one of Canada’s most respected and recognizable figures. For five decades, including his 29 years as CBC’s chief correspondent and anchor of The National, he has guided us through the political, economic, and cultural events that have shaped the country. Through a unique lens of journalistic expertise, Mansbridge offers us guidance on how to cultivate trust, take pride in our heritage, and navigate leadership through times of upheaval.

Peter Mansbridge’s sterling career at the CBC is without precedent. He served as the chief correspondent of CBC News, helmed its flagship show The National, anchored all CBC News specials, and hosted the intelligent interview show Mansbridge: One on One. For his work, Mansbridge has received over a dozen national awards for broadcast excellence—yet for all the accolades, he remains an astoundingly grounded individual, with a gentle humour and trademark integrity. Reflecting back on his journalism career, which has taken him across the country and the planet, he told CBC’s The Current, “When you hear from others about their perceptions of Canada, it opens your eyes about the country you live in. You learn things about yourself you didn’t know.” In his new book Extraordinary Canadians: Stories from the Heart of Our Nation, the beloved former anchor offers us a collection of first-person stories from remarkable citizens who, in their own way, are making the country a better place. Mansbridge talks to the veterans, doctors, immigrants, business leaders (and more) who make up our great country, and embody its core values of kindness, compassion, courage, and freedom—inspiring us to do the same. The host of a weekly program called The Bridge, Mansbridge combines his love of journalism, politics, and people, offering an insider perspective on the issues shaping our world today.

Away from the news desk, Mansbridge has been recognized by leading universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, and, of course, Canada. He’s been a Fellow at Yale, has lectured at Oxford, was named Chancellor of Mount Allison University, and is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Mansbridge has received 13 honorary doctorates, including his latest from McMaster University, where he told graduates that, “We need to face disagreements and divisions head on, but with passion and conviction and respect.” Mansbridge was also named an Officer of the Order of Canada—one of the country’s highest civilian honours—for his “contributions to broadcasting, for his commitment to helping Canadians better understand their country and the world, and for his dedication to literacy and Canada’s youth.”

Known for his trademark voice and unflappable onscreen presence, Mansbridge has also found success as an author. His book Mansbridge: One on One was a national bestseller, and he’s penned contributions to The 100 Photos That Changed CanadaCanada’s Great War Album, and the ambitious essay collection 100 Days That Changed Canada.


Peter's presentation was compelling, and the Q&A was flawless. All of the attendees all stayed to the end, and that is not the norm these days. It was wonderful to work with Peter, and we hope to do so again in the not-too-distant future.


Everything went well at our event. Everyone I spoke to about Peter's presentation enjoyed it thoroughly. It was well received by both members of our Board and employees. Peter is a consummate professional and the stories were excellent.


In 30 years of hosting this dinner, we’ve never had a speaker who customized—and personalized—their presentation for our Tribute stage more than Peter Mansbridge did. His appearance on behalf of St. Joseph’s here in London will be long remembered.


Speech Topics

The Trust FactorWhat's Happening in Our Democracy—and What Does It Mean for Leaders?

In this interactive event focused on “Trust and Truth,” Peter Mansbridge leads audiences through a 45 to 60-minute session, designed to cue innovative leaders to consider how two of the key fundamental pillars of our democracy are in crisis. Trust and truth exist in almost every facet of our lives—but recently, they are in jeopardy. Through the lens of his journalistic expertise, Mansbridge engages participants in a discussion to understand why, how, and where we’ve deviated from trust and truth, how we can correct course—and, what it means for today’s leaders. This multi-media session invites participation, includes examples, and puts your delegates on the spot: relevant to all industries, Mansbridge leaves you with a strengthened understanding of the ways politics affect businesses, what a deviation from trust and truth means—and, how leaders can respond.

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Politics & Society
Our National StoriesInspiring Canadians at Home and Abroad

Peter Mansbridge ties all of his talks together with his desire to see Canadians celebrate their heritage: to recognize that a shared national story has shaped us at both an individual and a collective level. This story is being written, and re-written, every day, by all Canadians. Drawing on the world leaders he’s interviewed, Mansbridge also talks about leadership: what it takes and how it can be achieved, whether in politics, academia, or business.

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Ordinary CanadiansExtraordinary Leadership

What does Canadian leadership look like? Is there something special, and vital, about leadership in this country? In this engrossing talk, based on his reporting from around the world, Peter Mansbridge offers accounts of extraordinary acts of leadership by ordinary Canadians, at home and abroad. He speaks of stories of courage and selflessness, from Sri Lanka to the Netherlands, Afghanistan to our own Indigenous communities, to show us that Canadian leadership is, at core, about caring. It’s about being there for our neighbours—down the street, across the country, or even around the world—when and where they need us the most.

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