
Speaker News

The latest headlines from our world-changing keynote speakers

Resolve workplace dissatisfaction and retain your best talent.
How retailers can get ahead in the new era of competitive advantage.
Small changes can help you and your company stay safe in the age of AI.
How you can unlock the potential of your diverse teams.
Plus, why your brain is the key to thriving in the AI future.
Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman called Max’s book “amazing.”
Brave New Words, out now, is a “timely masterclass” on learning and AI (Bill Gates).
This photographer’s massive and highly anticipated solo show opens to the public this Sunday, May 12!
President Biden said she changed “what it means for every generation to reach for the stars.”
This Stanford neuroscientist is bringing us closer to curing Alzheimer’s and epilepsy by growing brain cells in the lab.

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