
The future of business is AI First. By building Artificial Intelligence into the heart of your business, you can innovate faster than ever before.

CEO of Wavelo | Former Head of Product at Verizon

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Are Your Employees Engaged? AI Can Help You Find Out (3:14)

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Becoming AI First Is a New Challenge—but You’ve Been Here Before (2:32)

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Your Best AI Strategist Isn’t in Your Organization Yet (2:51)

Lavin Exclusive Speaker

Just as the internet brought businesses into the Digital First and then Mobile First eras, revolutionary advances in Artificial Intelligence are bringing us—at an even faster, unrelenting pace—into an “AI First” future. In this new world, the businesses that succeed will be the ones that build AI into the heart of their process and innovate from there. There’s no better guide to the pitfalls and potential of this era than Justin Reilly. Justin is the CEO of Wavelo and the former Head of Product at Verizon, where he led their multi-billion dollar digital transformation program with machine learning at the core. He can show you six practical steps to building AI into the everyday life of your business. By becoming AI First, Justin says, you’ll be able to innovate faster, boost productivity, and give your customers what they really want.

There’s no better guide to the pitfalls and potential of AI First than Justin Reilly. He’s spent years building businesses around the immense capabilities of Artificial Intelligence. As Verizon’s Head of Product, he spearheaded their multi-billion dollar digital transformation program, which had machine learning at its core. He’s currently the CEO of Wavelo, a division of Tucows that’s revolutionizing the software that powers telecom businesses, where he’s building the modern telecom platform aimed at adapting faster and innovating better for an AI First world.

At Wavelo, Justin has already integrated AI tools (like ChatGPT) into the everyday workings of his business. He has firsthand experience in how you can use machine learning to create a product that’s deeply tied to human behavior, personalizing and scaling your product more than ever before. And you don’t even need to be a big tech company to tap into this opportunity right now. Justin can show you how you can gather the data, talent, and systems you need to maximize value, improve customer experience, and scale your business faster.

In his talks, Justin cuts through the hype and delivers a practical guide to bringing machine learning into your organization. He explains six steps to becoming AI First, from understanding your data and how it drives your business, to setting up a feedback loop with your customers so you can build what they actually want. He’ll explain why diversity is so important for companies that want to become AI First, and how you can create an environment of open and radical innovation. His talks are both inspirational and immediately actionable—he gives you the tools you’ll need to succeed in this new world, and empowers you to achieve success with your AI strategy.

Prior to Tucows, Justin founded Focus Health, Grey Seven Labs, and Qstir. He has held leadership positions at a number of hyper-growth startups, including ASAPP, Macquarium, and Arke Systems. Outside of the office, he is an award winning Spoken Word artist, a graduate from Wharton Business School, and Penn Basketball alum.


Justin not only captivated the audience with his cutting-edge content and interactive delivery; he managed to engage the audience throughout by both responding to questions and asking ones of his own, leading to stimulating and high-energy discussions. Needless to say, participants were talking about his session well after the talks ended.

The Wharton School

Justin has a power to capture the audience within seconds and keep their undivided attention until the very last moment. He’s delivered a great session on setting up an AI strategy with practical insight on what guarantees success. He is a fantastic speaker with an approachable presence, who generates plenty of questions and discussion, and is generally delightful to work with.


Justin was great. A piece of feedback my colleague received from an attendee said it all: “He was the best speaker he’s heard in this subject and applied it perfectly for the members.” It’s not easy to have a mixed audience of those who get it (at least a little)—our engineers and IT folks—and those who have little/not extensive knowledge of it—our directors. He had people stay after both sessions to chat with him, and he graciously spoke with each of them.

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Justin consistently provides unique, value-added insights to our most sophisticated digital audiences. His style is engaging and fresh and always is rated as a top speaker at our events. We always look forward to welcoming Justin back to our stage.

CDX Summits

Justin gave exactly the type of presentation that we wanted and I would highly recommend him for anyone else looking for an introduction/history of AI! He was a great speaker, very personable, and was able to confidently answer all the different questions that came up during dinner.

Baraboo Growth

Speech Topics

Artificial Intelligence
Becoming AI FirstSix Steps to Augmenting Your Business with Artificial Intelligence

With the rapid rise of generative AI tools like ChatGPT and GPT-4, many companies are asking how they can use Artificial Intelligence to make their businesses more productive and innovative. Justin Reilly has the answers. As the CEO of Wavelo and former Head of Product at Verizon, Justin has experience leading multi-billion dollar AI programs and integrating machine learning into his own organizations. In this talk, he cuts through the hype and delivers a practical guide for rethinking your strategy and bringing AI into your company.

Justin offers you a six step guide that you can use to become an AI First business. He shows you how to leverage the data you already have, find the talent you need, and create an environment of open innovation. You’ll learn how to develop systems that you can trust, and use those systems to adapt and innovate better and faster than ever before. Audiences will walk away inspired by the opportunities ahead and equipped with the tools to win in an AI First world.

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