
Your data, your reputation, your customers’ trust: it’s all on the line in the new age of AI and cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Veteran | CEO of Red Queen Dynamics | The Senior Fellow for Global Cyber Policy at Council on Foreign Relations

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Why Artificial Intelligence Helps—and Hurts—Our Cybersecurity Efforts (2:51)

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Easy Cyber Security Steps for Everyone (1:47)

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How to Prevent Mass Information Warfare (1:46)

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Info Security for a Brave New World (15:30)

Lavin Exclusive Speaker

Cybersecurity attacks are doubling every year. Phishing scams are at an all-time high. These days, CEOs and business owners are the people who answer for security breaches—and those who aren’t prepared and up-to-date are jeopardizing everything. Enter Tarah Wheeler: one of America’s leading digital security veterans, a “white hat” hacker, CEO of Red Queen Dynamics, and the author of Women in Tech—Amazon’s #1 tech career guidebook. In an age where AI is changing the cybersecurity game, her grounded and actionable insights are crucial—she shows you how to protect yourself from AI-enabled attacks, and how to use AI to keep yourself and your data safe. Practical, hands-on, and brimming with her signature charismatic and humorous style, she offers beginners and professionals alike clear guidance on how to secure themselves and protect their customers’ data today.

Today, every single person at an organization must feel confident in their ability to protect themselves against a minefield of risks. The new challenges of Artificial Intelligence, password hacking, email phishing, ransomware attacks—these emerging threats against every business have only been made more terrifying by the global move towards remote and hybrid work. And while it might be easy to fault someone who unwittingly clicks on a link—what people don’t realize is how vast and systematic this issue really is. Fortunately, Tarah Wheeler does.

A veteran in the realm of digital security, Tarah’s resume includes working with organizations like Symantec, Splunk, and Microsoft, as well as revered institutions from Harvard to Oxford.  A white hat hacker, she knows how to proactively find security weaknesses and fix them before they can be exploited. And as a cybersecurity CEO, she shows leaders how to do the same. Tarah’s on-the-ground technical expertise is combined with such a clear, compelling, and humorous presentation style that it’s easy to understand even the most complex concepts.

“Tarah Wheeler is a brilliant role model.”Elissa Shevinsky, editor of Lean Out

Named the top female cybersecurity influencer in the world, Tarah is also the author of Women in Tech: Take Your Career to The Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories, which details her experience in the male-dominated space of cybersecurity. A #1 Amazon career guide bestseller, it topped both the women in business and technology nonfiction lists. In addition to her technical know-how, she can expertly advise on how to improve the industry to include, support, and uplift women based on her own personal experience.

Tarah is the CEO of Red Queen Dynamics, a US cybersecurity company. She serves as the Senior Fellow for Global Cyber Policy at Council on Foreign Relations and was elected to Life Membership at CFR in 2023. She is an Electronic Frontier Foundation advisory board member, an inaugural contributing cybersecurity expert for The Washington Post, and a Foreign Policy contributor on cyber warfare.

She has been a US/UK Fulbright Scholar in Cyber Security and Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict at the University of Oxford, the Brookings Institution’s contributing cybersecurity editor, a Cyber Project Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University‘s Kennedy School of Government, and an International Security Fellow at New America leading a new international cybersecurity capacity building project with the Hewlett Foundation’s Cyber Initiative.

She has been Head of Offensive Security & Technical Data Privacy at Splunk & Senior Director of Engineering and Principal Security Advocate at Symantec Website Security. She has led projects at Microsoft Game Studios (Halo and Lips) and architected systems at encrypted mobile communications firm Silent Circle. She has spoken on information security at the European Union, at the Malaysian Securities Commission, for Foreign Policy, the OECD and FTC, at universities such as Stanford, American, West Point, and Oxford, and multiple governmental and industry conferences. She has cashed multiple times in the World Series of Poker.


What a hit! Tarah was a super warm, professional, and engaging speaker. She was so interesting and we loved that she split her hour into two segments: the first, a conversation with the audience, and the second a fireside-type chat for Q&A. She was a wonderful start to our event!

Municipal Information Systems Association

Tarah was an absolute hit! The audience loved her.

Verizon Media

We wanted to thank you once again for delivering what is being called the best PASS Summit keynote ever. The entire conference was buzzing with excitement and conversation following your presentation. It was beyond thought provoking!

Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS)

Tarah was absolutely terrific. The dimensions of her presentation were very well received: she touched on some leadership and management techniques in times of cyber volatility and it went over very well.

- Asis International

Speech Topics

Artificial Intelligence
The Impact of AI on Tomorrow's CybersecurityAnd What It Means for You

Generative AI is changing the cybersecurity game, says cybersecurity CEO Tarah Wheeler. On the offensive side, AI has enabled better tuned, carefully crafted, devastatingly dangerous spear-phishing attacks. On the defensive side, AI can integrate with your SOC tools to give you fewer and more effective notifications (what she calls “less, better, info”). Either way, you can’t ignore it—you have to understand and leverage it today.

Drawing on her years of experience in cybersecurity with Microsoft, Harvard, and more, Tarah takes you through both the offensive and defensive sides, illuminating what you need to know and why you need to know it. This practical and engaging talk is customizable to your audience’s experience level—whether she’s speaking to engineers, marketers, or CEOs, Tarah offers clear and actionable steps and solutions for everyone. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of how you can protect yourself from AI-enabled attacks and how you can use AI to streamline your processes and improve the quality of your information. In a field that’s changing every day, Tarah’s up-to-date insights and wealth of practical experience are invaluable for any audience.

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Staying Safe at a DistanceCybersecurity in the Age of Hybrid Work

Spear-phishing and business intelligence theft has increased multi-fold since the shift to remote and hybrid work, and cyber and ransomware attacks have cost companies millions of dollars. Given the current situation, transitioning skilled employees to security awareness has never been more difficult or more timely. How can we effectively prepare our employees now that data is not only secured through the office, but is now often left to the good graces of our home internet?

Internationally renowned cyber operations expert Tarah Wheeler is here to help. Mobility is part of modernity, she says. Hybrid work isn’t going anywhere, so it’s imperative that we learn how to properly secure employee data and company laptops at home—which means investing in our people and teaching them how to be personally secure. For every expert who knows the right way to do things, there are a dozen people to whom this is brand new information. Tarah has a deep knowledge and expertise of the security challenges employees don’t even know they’re facing yet. In this talk, she shares the ins-and-outs of digital security in today’s world of work, so we can keep ourselves (and our data) safe.

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Women in TechInspiring Diversity and Real Change in the STEM Fields

Despite noble initiatives designed to inspire girls to seek careers in the STEM fields, women are still vastly outnumbered by men—and the disparity is only getting worse. Tarah Wheeler says women don’t need more inspiration—they already love science! But they do need help dismantling widespread and insidious discrimination: forces that mean “diversity” looks like one token woman amid scores of men, that mean women make much less than their male peers, and that ensure they rarely ascend to the same level of influence.

This isn’t the result of some conspiracy, Tarah argues—rather, it’s a larger problem of unconscious social biases that companies rarely confront, and can barely resolve beyond the safest initiatives. So, in this compassionate, inspiring talk, Tarah shows students, professionals, associations, and companies how to fight for meaningful gender equality at work. With advice on salary negotiation, when to change careers, how to mentor others or start a business, balance family matters, and even how to best format resumes or ace interviews, Tarah lays out practical advice for anyone, no matter where they are on the corporate ladder.

It’s time to stop watching women get sidelined, stuck, or overlooked in tech, and time to let them bring their wealth of creativity and innovation to the field—at all levels of influence.

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